Carlee Dittmar

An awful human being running for Ward 2 in Wheeling

Do you want someone who spends most of their day scrolling Facebook and NewsBreak to represent you?  

How about a candidate who complained about not getting help with the recent floods because those on the island were affected worse?  And then when someone calls her out on it, she calls them “butt hurt”?  

Do you want a candidate who openly mocks members of the LGTBQIA+ community even though their offspring is part of that same community?

Carlee during a radio interview displaying her unhinged side when asked about a political candidate she’ll face.

If you want an elderly person who spends a LARGE majority of their time on Facebook sharing far right political articles, mocking citizens of the Ohio Valley, Carlee is the right choice for you.

OK last one, if you want a candidate who calls anyone who isn’t a straight white person “F r £@ K$” on social media, she’s your candidate.

If you want to see what type of candidate this awful human being is, just visit their public Facebook page and see for yourself.  Carlee’s Facebook Page

Have a Carlee story you’d like to share?  We want to hear from you!  Share it in the form below:

Paid by the good folks at Ohio Valley Newz.